Today’s Timeless Tattered Tender Treasures

Seeing that towel draped over the banister is always a hard way to wake up during these unforgiving March mornings. Then, there is another very red and extremely tattered towel that greets me in the bathroom. She always uses these two when she comes home. The red one has been with her since she was an infant. There are much newer ones in the linen closet but these two are the ones she always employs.

I suppose, it is a comfort akin to receiving a quality hug from an old friend. They provide her with reflections of safety and warmth. A childhood, no longer present but still treasured. They will never be discarded by her; only used until they cannot be anymore, and then sheltered securely with numerous other items of immeasurable value.

I am thrilled she still looks for them whenever she returns. I am ready to wash and store them when she departs, and they will be ready when she reignites this home with her light.

Sometimes, this empty nest feels too vast. I know it will pass. I will bask in the joy she conveys when telling stories about the wonderment of her college experience. We will giggle foolishly during texts and calls. My heart is full as she gracefully navigates these remarkable years of her life.

On this morning, however, I want to keep these two towels out, at least a little while longer.

1 thought on “Today’s Timeless Tattered Tender Treasures”

  1. This made me cry and the simplicity of a profound event in all parents lives is beautifully written Thank you

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