The Pear Tree Project Photo Contest and Message of Perception

There is an old adage that says —

“Red sky in morning, sailors take warning.” This was in reference to how the red sky meant a high-pressure system has moved eastward, and a low-pressure system was moving in with rain.

An ominous warning for these travelers.

The picture to your right, in this newsletter, is what I saw recently. It provided me with the contrary feeling. As I glanced upward during that early winter day, the sky provided a quilt of warmth and color. It painted my soul with appreciation.

The point – regardless of what something may signify our perception motivates our thoughts and in return our actions. Seeing this magnificent pink-orange-rose-hued atmosphere inspired me to meet the morning with playfulness not caution. The outstretched limbs beckoned me to greet the day with hope and optimism.

The fiery heavens encouraged me to entrust my passion to the unknown. The mangled branches urged me to see beauty in complexity. This glorious morning site provoked introspection. For a moment, I was fueled by an inner knowing. No other voice mattered, only my own.

Too often we are influenced by choice or by the intrusion of social media to behave or think in one way or the other.

We here at The Pear Tree Project want to see the world as you do, through the lens of individuality. To be continued

DID YOU KNOW? The Pear Tree Project is having a photo contest. The winner will be featured on our homepage gallery. Please click here to submit a photo!