Reflections of Modern Times and Remembering Daisy

Right now, the world feels like it’s been turned upside down, knocked off its heels, helpless on the ground. The good fortune of one person comes at the expense of the dignity and birthright of another. It’s like we’re being commanded to turn against our sisters and brothers. 

Perhaps the space ordinarily filled with words is best left silent this time. Maybe the most poetic thing to do is be still, absorb the shock and the awe of this assault. Sentences equipped with facts and undeniable truths would land in heaps of sun-drenched trash anyway. The stench is inescapable. 

Still, the brave or the foolish will crawl on hands and knees for the promised treasures. It’s evident we’ve lived on decadence and pleasure. We conclude – better to close our eyes, refuse to look, rewrite history and burn every book. 

Better still, let’s call consciousness “woke,” demonize diversity and inclusion. Let’s all make the unanimous decision that everyone else is the problem and we want to remain blind to the solution. 

To remain silent in the midst of this horror, to not hold up a mirror and question, is insanity. Power unchecked, in love with itself is vanity.

To fill the cups of thirsty people with tears is criminal. To exploit the faith of believers is immoral. To quell the fears of an ignorant populace with hollow promises is deceptive.

But still, we abide.

To kneel in prayer and then salute is hypocrisy at its best. At its worst, it taunts and flaunts blatant disregard and ignorance.

To wield power, make the poor and the needy personas non grata is reprehensible. To criminalize poverty and the journey of dreamers is irresponsible. 

But still, we abide.

To profess equality and yet subjugate those looking to the sky for hope, a better tomorrow, or a rainbow, is soulless. 

To pretend to care about the future while poisoning the earth is guaranteed destruction. There should be no going back, no resurrection of the good ol’ days. 

But still, we abide. 

On the other hand, we can do it differently.

Let us not ignore evidence of the facade crumbling. Let us walk in ease and peace, let us stop stumbling. 

Growth. Success. Empowerment. Equality for all.  

This is the call.

We will obey when there are brighter days.

In Memoriam – The Pear Tree Project lost a precious member of our family Monday evening. Daisy was a 14 and ½ year old English Springer Spaniel. You may remember her as our “Photo Contest Winner” from last March. She was a remarkably kind canine. There was depth in her gaze and affection in every act she conferred. Diagnosed with liver cancer during the fall of 2022, this courageous companion fought for more than two years to continue the inspiring love she shared with her devoted person, Elisabeth. Daisy’s voracious hunger for life was not restricted to edible items, (although her vacuum-like consumption of anything not glued to the floor was incredibly impressive). She was a goofy girl who’s smile won you over in seconds. When her hair was on the longer side and she would pop up from rolling around or playing ball, her resemblance to Benjamin Franklin was uncanny. 

As we move through this life, there are times it is presented to us in cruel and unendurable moments. Of course, we all know it is on these days we must gather strength from the conscious collection of our faith and hope. The ability to do so is only possible if we have had a friend who illustrated the true essence of no conditions in their devotion. Daisy was this presence and she will be eternally missed.

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