Racing Rodents, Saturday in the Park, and the Sausage Council  

This week we are going to do something completely different. Our first she said/he said.

Since July is upon us we figured we would write about summer or Independence Day or current events or??? There really was no assignment; just some thoughts about the week behind us and the ones ahead …


The perfect day began sitting on a black bench nestled in a nook. My shoulders dropped, the stress of the week melted away and evaporated on the hot pavement. 

The lite summer breeze carried the aroma of coffee and the promise of fanciful culinary delights.

Birds chirped and squirrels ran imaginary races.

The occasional passerby smiled, nodded, or remained embedded in pleasant conversation. Wide-eyed children ran, skipped, or timidly clung to their parents.

Their high-pitched voices lingered in the air long after they had gone.

Brave patrons ignored the heat and opted for outdoor eating. Still others, myself included, opted for the comfort of an air-conditioned dining experience.

Once indoors, impassioned lovers of football, I mean soccer, roared with delight as their team scored. Pitchers of beer clanked while hugs were exchanged and songs were sung.

Still, standing in a corner were a group of women celebrating. There was hope in their conversation and a nervous excitement in their laughter.

Cheeriness, frivolity, friendship, love, and pride were the theme of this warm July date. I could not help but be carried away in this seismic energy.

One Blue Moon was good, two Blue Moons were better. A slice of citrus fruit dangling from the rim was refreshing. Crunchy breaded onion rings were ordered and just like that, arrived. They were the precursor to scrumptious potato leek soup which would be consumed enthusiastically. 

At the end of this day, merriment was had, my mind settled, and my heart, (and belly), were full.

Did You Know? When we feel we are a valued member of a community, our bodies release oxytocin – a more stable “happy” hormone than dopamine.


Guess who turns 248 years old tomorrow? The good ol’ U S of A!!!

After watching the debate, (6.27.24), my expectations for a grand 249th extravaganza were dashed mightily.

In fairness, I did not actually watch the event live. I needed to view something with more intellectual stimulation, realism, and validity – so I put on Tom & Jerry for an hour.

The next morning the highlights of this presidential debacle were omnipresent.

Our standing president – and the man who it appears all roads are pointing toward being our future one – are severely, cognitively limited.

However, it is far too easy to be conquered by our cynicism.

As of late I find that turning to lyrics, of various genres of music, not only provide a peaceful resolution to my unease, but they also work well for blogs.

Music debilitates my doubt and sequesters my suspicions. It is my forever opiate.

So, during these scorching days in the sun, instead of crying over spilled democracy, let’s focus on the magical words of the band Chicago.

Happy Birthday America!

Did You Know? Typically, 150 million hot dogs are consumed in the U.S.A., on Independence Day, enough to stretch from D.C. to L.A. more than five times, according to the National Hot Dog and Sausage Council.

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