Our story

Our story is to be the online destination where the art of photography and storytelling become catalysts for genuine human connection. We aspire to be the tree under which the seeds of knowledge grow, its branches extending far and wide, reaching people from all corners of the globe. Together, we will create a community that inspires, educates, and celebrates the beauty of the human experience.

Our story

Our story is to be the online destination where the art of photography and storytelling become catalysts for genuine human connection. We aspire to be the tree under which the seeds of knowledge grow, its branches extending far and wide, reaching people from all corners of the globe. Together, we will create a community that inspires, educates, and celebrates the beauty of the human experience.

Douglas M. Muro (FP – Founding Pear)

My tale begins in the Bronx, New York – the only borough in NYC where a definitive article is required; do not worry! This is not going to be an endlessly detailed page about the journey of a company’s founder. This is going to be a brief excerpt about the strange, long trip life has been so far.

I have a background in teaching, newspaper journalism, radio copywriting, recruiting, sales, and small business ownership. My more than 30 years of professional experience has been anything but common or smooth sailing.

Recently, I found myself searching to find something fulfilling mentally, financially, and spiritually. While contemplating just how challenging it is to achieve all three of these goals with one choice, I conceived a scenario where I would focus on the third aspect, (spirituality), as this is too often overshadowed by life’s daily demands.

As I was driving home late on a Tuesday night in June, the idea hit me – I love photography, writing, and human connections resulting from inspiration – it was then the word pear popped into my noggin.  

Since then, I have been determined to create an environment where life reflects work. A community of experiences which are not rated nor rewarded based on likeness. Rather a forum which promotes understanding and nurtures the expression of beauty through creativity.

We all have become aware of isolation and a world of less physical interaction, but let us not allow an age of distance to result in an existence of absence – the loss of kindness, empathy, and art.

It is time we all share our pear and our insight. The presence of hope is not based on necessity; it is grounded in us all…

Nyvia Roman (CPO – Chief Pear Officer)

The decision to join the Pear Tree Project was not made haphazardly, it was made immediately, like jumping from a plane and hoping like hell you packed a parachute. You see, I am a firm believer that when the right opportunity presents itself, you say yes and ask questions later.

My background, although varied, is not filled with the adventurous, award-winning journalistic career I envisioned as a child. Instead, it is comprised of years as a paralegal, website content creator, and recently family social work.

The ability to shift my perspective from the legal field to the humanities has taught me objectivity, but most importantly, I have learned you and I are not so different. Our dreams and desires may be worlds apart, yet our basic need to feel connected is not.

The Pear Tree Project is something bigger than ourselves, and while I am still freefalling, I am excited about the journey ahead.

This community is spawned not in the shadow of our defeats, but in the sunlight of our hopes…

    Douglas M. Muro (FP – Founding Pear)

My tale begins in the Bronx, New York – the only borough in NYC where a definitive article is required; do not worry! This is not going to be an endlessly detailed page about the journey of a company’s founder. This is going to be a brief excerpt about the strange, long trip life has been so far.

I have a background in teaching, newspaper journalism, radio copywriting, recruiting, sales, and small business ownership. My more than 30 years of professional experience has been anything but common or smooth sailing.

Recently, I found myself searching to find something fulfilling mentally, financially, and spiritually. While contemplating just how challenging it is to achieve all three of these goals with one choice, I conceived a scenario where I would focus on the third aspect, (spirituality), as this is too often overshadowed by life’s daily demands.

As I was driving home late on a Tuesday night in June, the idea hit me – I love photography, writing, and human connections resulting from inspiration – it was then the word pear popped into my noggin.

Since then, I have been determined to create an environment where life reflects work. A community of experiences which are not rated nor rewarded based on likeness. Rather a forum which promotes understanding and nurtures the expression of beauty through creativity.

We all have become aware of isolation and a world of less physical interaction, but let us not allow an age of distance to result in an existence of absence – the loss of kindness, empathy, and art.

It is time we all share our pear and our insight. The presence of hope is not based on necessity; it is grounded in us all…

  Nyvia Roman (CPO – Chief Pear Officer)

The decision to join the Pear Tree Project was not made haphazardly, it was made immediately, like jumping from a plane and hoping like hell you packed a parachute. You see, I am a firm believer that when the right opportunity presents itself, you say yes and ask questions later.

My background, although varied, is not filled with the adventurous, award-winning journalistic career I envisioned as a child. Instead, it is comprised of years as a paralegal, website content creator, and recently family social work.

The ability to shift my perspective from the legal field to the humanities has taught me objectivity, but most importantly, I have learned you and I are not so different. Our dreams and desires may be worlds apart, yet our basic need to feel connected is not.

The Pear Tree Project is something bigger than ourselves, and while I am still freefalling, I am excited about the journey ahead.

This community is spawned not in the shadow of our defeats, but in the sunlight of our hopes…