Optimism Rears its Head(s) on a Sundrenched Sunday Morning

As I joined the bicyclists, dog walkers, and joggers on the narrow walkway I reluctantly adopted their pace. 

“Good morning, hello…” escaped my lips not once, not twice, but innumerable times. Otherwise, a nod of the head was exchanged.

During these brief encounters, I felt unlike a stranger.

The warm breeze ruffled the newly arrived blossoms. Ducks glided atop the shimmery water and turtles basked in the sun.

A not so gentle reminder of the pain variety scolded my ambition and determination to proceed. 

I heeded the call to rest, sat on a bench, and did nothing.

I immersed myself in the quietude of the moment and thought, is this the feeling of optimism? 

Quietly, I watched as one, two, three – a swim team of ducks coasted by me. I stared as they waited for those trailing behind.

As I vacated the bench, I saw a jogger, a man pushing a stroller for twins as he ran. For a split moment, I contemplated exercise then quickly abandoned the notion. This moment begged for a slower speed.

On that morning, I took pictures as I often do and I waited patiently, without an expectation or demand and to my surprise, I photographed not just my surroundings, but a state of being.

DID YOU KNOW? Turtles are almost as old as dinosaurs! The oldest turtle fossil can be dated back 220 million years, meaning it showed up 23 million years after the dinosaurs.

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