Ineptitude Indeed, Empty Employment and Awe-Inspiring Aquariums

The state of trying to find gainful employment, and the tools you can use to incorporate this endeavor, are at a pathetically low point. 

One of the online leaders is Indeed – (a search engine that aggregates job listings from many sources and allows job seekers to search. It also allows seekers to post their resumes and research companies)

The criticisms for Indeed include a high volume of unqualified applicants, spammy postings, and concerns about the quality of listings with many users reporting irrelevant results or “ghost jobs” that never get filled. 

These “services” seem to be more fixated on the collection of personal data, then providing a means to acquire a trade. The Consumer Affairs website has an average score of 1.2 stars, (out of 5), for Indeed, with more than 95% of the feedback being negative.   

Recently, I fell prey to charlatans who claimed to provide “quality” positions in the technology sector of marketing and vending. I discovered these employment opportunities on Indeed, after what seemed to be an incalculable amount of time. I was severely selective in my process. I performed due diligence, and thensome. Yet, some serpents still slipped through.

In fairness, it is not merely Indeed who is at fault here. The heavier burden needs to be placed squarely on the shoulders of the culture of ineptitude some of these business owners have manufactured. They have become completely clueless as to how to endorse their own products. Instead their mindset is to underpay, overwork, and abuse seasoned professionals, by asking them to “build pipelines” for their “CRMs.”

Most of these dolts claim they provide “leads” – which can be precisely defined as someone who displays an interest in your service by completing a form, responding to an advertisement, being aware of your existence, etc. It is not someone you research on tools like ZoomInfo and Sales Navigator, who have shown no interest in your SaaS, (Software as a Service). There is a marked difference between a “prospect” and an ACTUAL lead. The powers-that-be for many of these small companies promise support, training, and leadership, yet they do not know how to close a door, let alone a business deal.        

These people do not construct anything. They tear the fabric of a once great industry – sales, and too often, promote their incompetent offspring knowing the silver spoons were not enough payment. 

While all that is left in the wake is imbecilic children crying to daddy and mommy by the time they are 25, that they do not know where to turn or what to do to make a living.

Here is a hint for the slack-jawed ingrates among us — self-absorbed, characterless parents do NOT produce useful members of society. They create even more narcissistic, soulless versions of themselves! 

This lack of nurturing progeny is taking its toll, and the nepotism does not end with bloodlines. There is an endless cornucopia of delusional CEOs whose insufficiencies are highlighted by poor decision making concerning paramount positions within their organizations. 

So what is their answer? 

Find a crappy site. 

Post a misleading ad. 

Agree to assist your sales team once hired. 

Renege on everything discussed during the onboarding. 

Point fingers when “appointments” are not scheduled on a regular basis.


And the best part, these ciphers act truly perplexed as to why they cannot generate new clients. 

I once recruited for a living. I wrote valid classifieds; interviewed viable candidates; assisted competent hiring managers; and staffed real openings. To see the state of the online job boards is disillusioning and depressing. Adding insult to injury is the experience of working alongside frauds and spineless individuals who exploit not only these useless job sites, but also committed people trying to contribute to a less than stellar workforce.      

I guess it is time to redo my resume and focus on companies who do not partake in the blind leading the blind concept of growth. Coupling a useless boss with a tool like Indeed results in a recipe for failure. 

Perhaps it is time to go hang out in one of my favorite watering holes – the Mystic Aquarium – with my fish friends, while I re-evaluate my next flow.

Did You Know? is a close to 15,000-employee corporation owned by an even larger, Tokyo-based corporation. Indeed’s existence hinges on scraping the web for every single job listing it can find. When it does, Indeed re-formats that listing and posts it on its site through a process known as “job cloning.” The result? A site that looks like hundreds of companies are listing their jobs exclusively with Indeed.

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