Here’s to aging gracefully like a 4,000-year-old cake

Birthdays are a reminder that it is time to count how many rings we have around our bellies.

Wait, this is true if you are a tree.

There are numerous ways to determine exactly how old your dog may be, including checking their teeth and eyes.

Radiocarbon dating is one of the best techniques for age validation in long-lived species like sharks.

Gnomes mature at the same rate humans do, and most are expected to settle down into adult life by around age 40. They can live 350 to almost 500 years.

Guess it really does not matter how many ways we discover to measure age in pear trees, man’s best friend, great whites, or inanimate objects – because we humans have the perfect way to calculate our chronology. We celebrate our maturation once a year with cards, gifts, gatherings, and of course – CAKE!

As we ripen, we ponder life’s innumerable mysteries. We become introspective and strive to one day comprehend the design of creation.

As each year unfolds our analysis of the past, present, and future alter. Experiences paint our canvasses — filling them with brilliant colors, mystical memories, heartaches, watery eyes, endless smiles, and (fingers crossed) the hope that through empathetic guidance future generations will understand more.

Aging is not a choice. However, the grace in how we choose to do so, is always an option.

I took another trip around the sun yesterday. Happy Birthday to all fellow Aries and to everyone who still closes their eyes as they make their wish and blow their candles out.

DID YOU KNOW? The oldest cake is a 4,176-year-old cake that was found in an Egyptian tomb, according to the Guinness organization. It is on display in a food museum in Switzerland.

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