Nyvia Roman

Indifference in the Workplace is Spreading like Wildfire

Over the weekend, I found myself in a chain retail store, it shall remain nameless but it rhymes with Irvington. To my surprise, the store was nearly empty and aisles were easy to navigate. Not one for crowds, I squealed at the possibility of quickly purchasing my items and exiting the store. I browsed through

Indifference in the Workplace is Spreading like Wildfire Read More »

Optimism Rears its Head(s) on a Sundrenched Sunday Morning

As I joined the bicyclists, dog walkers, and joggers on the narrow walkway I reluctantly adopted their pace.  “Good morning, hello…” escaped my lips not once, not twice, but innumerable times. Otherwise, a nod of the head was exchanged. During these brief encounters, I felt unlike a stranger. The warm breeze ruffled the newly arrived

Optimism Rears its Head(s) on a Sundrenched Sunday Morning Read More »