Wellness Expo Provides Sublime Elixir    


New Jersey!

Holistic Hopes & Dreams!

The Pear Tree Project attended an event last Sunday – in between massive amounts of pigskin madness, elsewhere burgers, meetings about newsletter designs & podcast plans, and of course, fried cheese – to get a handle on the latest panoramic products promoted by principled pundits.

Happy Wellness Expo featuring some wonderful vendors was an entertaining, engrossing, and enlightening experience, that we almost missed because the signage for the event was non-existent.

Set on the beautiful Madison campus, of Fairleigh Dickenson University, the offering included a cornucopia of characters and consequential quality.

We must commence by mentioning Nano Bella and their impressive generosity. This product was displayed with flair and explained with precision. The owners offered a succinct, yet scrupulous description of their purpose.

After trying their Muscle Balm, we are filled with anticipatory desire regarding the other samples we possess, which include face cream and, (drumroll), the sublime elixir.

We then strolled over to The Classic Pooch, a business dedicated to our furry brethren, boasting a beefy array of broths, health & safety supplements, functional apparel, and groovy grooming supplies.

Additionally, we conversed with Advanced Frequency Energy Spa – (and may soon partake in their Superhuman protocol); New Jersey Relay – (where we chatted about accessible telecommunications); Regenus Center – (who explained how to unlock our body’s resilience); Natural Care Health Center – (where a raffle was entered and subsequently won by TPTP’s very own Chief Pear Officer Nyvia, who intends to cash in); as well as representatives from Mary Kay, who’s wiseness and wittiness were a welcome way to wind-down.

Overall, the expo was a valuable endeavor. Such afternoons are planned, prepared for, and pulled off, in countless locales, with the intent to educate, endorse, and earn. We cannot vouch for the efficacy of the merchandise, but we can staunchly suggest the next time you’re cruisin’ your instabook, xtwit, chatface media accounts – instead of promoting how you’re in the front row of MJ on Broadway or posting the latest pic of you in your banana hammock, in Turks and Caicos – try clicking on a link for something that can expand your horizons and not feed your ego.      

Did You Know? Holistic is a term widely applied in science in general, including medicine, where it refers to managing the “whole person,” not just the symptoms or a disease. Holistic is a neologism introduced by Jan Christian Smuts – a South African soldier, statesman, and philosopher – in his 1926 treatise Holism and Evolution.

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